The Finns Party Quotes Wiki

"I promise here and now to buy gas for each Lada, if the communist traitors to the fatherland drive away forever straight to hell. The only thing that helps is to stick a Balalaika up their asshole and kick them to the border."

- True Finns MP Tony Halme (1963 - 2010) about parliamentary work. Halme died in 2010, but we include him as a reminder of the more gentle and civilized True Finns of the past.

"Alcohol makes you aggressive but drugs bring you down. I become a very gentle person, that is why I haven't fought for years."

- True Finns MP Tony Halme (1963 - 2010) about his drug use. Halme was extremely popular in the 2003 parliamentary elections.

"Somali kids are already saying to the newspapers that they are the toughest gang in town. Our young men should be tough enough to show who is the master in the house. Just sniff a bit less glue and clean up the neighborhood, so that grannies are not afraid to walk on the streets again..."

- True Finns MP Tony Halme (1963 - 2010) about racism. Halme was extremely popular in the 2003 parliamentary elections and had already developed the kind of opinions the True Finns are known for today.
