The Finns Party Quotes Wiki

Harri Wiherkoski is a True Finns politician from Tampere.


“The catastrophe in Norway was the result of cursing Israel.”

- Harri Wiherkoski, a True Finns politician from Tampere, contemplates Anders Behring Breivik.

“Liberal humanism has raped kindergartens, schools and churches, which are moving fast under the rule of dark powers. Trolls, gnomes, goblins, pirates, fairies and other demons have replaced the blessings of a living God at kindergartens. This is a straight path for families from light into darkness. At school and at work, yoga and mind control introduce people to the forces of darkness instead of prayer and a relationship with God. Evil forces have been let in churches, and liberal humanism has driven true believers and God out.”

- Harri Wiherkoski, a True Finns politician from Tampere, contemplates God and the End of Times.
